

永利欢乐娱人城软件学院/通知公告2019-02-21 11:15:27来源:永利欢乐娱人城评论:0点击:收藏本文


Originally known as Guangdong Provincial Xiangqin Normal College, South China Normal University (SCNU) was founded in 1933. In 1996, it became a member of “Project 211” . 2015 saw the co-construction of SCNU by the Guangdong Provincial Government and Ministry of Education as well as its entry into the Guangdong High-Level University Sponsoring Project. In 2017, SCNU became a member of the National Sponsoring Project for World-Class Disciplines Construction. In 2018, it was successfully ranked Guangdong Province's “Aiming at First Class” key construction universities. SCNU now boasts three campuses, namely Shipai Campus, University Town Campus in Guangzhou and Nanhai Campus in Foshan.


The International United College (IUC) was formally established in November 2018, focusing on the national innovation-driven development strategy and industrial restructuring and transformation and upgrading, with a focus on the win-win cooperation with international famous universities including University of Aberdeen, Curtin University, Australia, St. Louis University, U.S.A, the University of Nice, France, and the University of Tours, France. The cooperation focuses on the development of new engineering in the field of new information technology, new engineering and economics in the field of information technology, interdisciplinary subjects in management field, foreign languages and other disciplines. International United College is currently accelerating the application for Sino-foreign Joint Institute with foreign universities, expanding Sino-foreign joint education programs, deepening cooperation in articulation programs for undergraduate and postgraduate students. It will also establish an Innovation and Development Research Institute according to regional development needs.


School of Software is one of the first provincial model software colleges approved by the Department of Education of Guangdong Province in 2004. Since 2013, the school has been moved from Shipai campus to Nanhai campus. School of Software has talent cultivation systems in undergraduates and post-graduates. The software engineering program was approved by the Department of Education of Guangdong Province as a key discipline in 2016. In January 2019, School of Software passed the IEET accreditation successfully, becoming the first engineering program passes the IEET accreditation in SCNU. After over ten years of meticulous construction and the unremitting efforts of teaching faculty, School of Software has great academic atmosphere and achieved remarkable achievement. Now, School of Software has come into the fast lane of development.


In order to speed up the internationalization schooling of the International United College and School of Software, two colleges are now jointly recruiting teaching and research talents from home and abroad in 2019.


I. Talents we are looking for


(I) Outstanding Young Talent


1. Requirements


In principle, the applicants' age should not exceed 40 years old if he/she has a degree of science and should not exceed 45 years old if he/she has a degree of art; the applicants should have a doctoral degree in a well-known university and have achieved original scientific research results in this field and have great potential for development. The applicants should be able to teach in English or bilingually.


2. Rewards


Candidates can be recruited as professor, associate professor or position of equivalent level. The candidate will be rewarded with an annual pre-tax salary of 300,000-500,000 RMB.  In addition, International United College will provide a subsidy of 50,000-60,000 RMB per year; Extra annual rewards will be given based on work performance; Housing Allowance of up to 2 million RMB will be provided. Research start-up fund will be provided without a cap according to research fields and actual needs. His or her children can apply to study in the affiliated kindergarten and primary school of SCNU according to relevant regulations. Both the kindergarten and the primary school are among the best in China.


(II) Young Talent


1. Requirements

一类青年英才:38周岁以下,在中国科学院、中国社科院、排名不低于我校的国内高校、所在学科不低于我校同学科排名的高校或世界排名前300位(国际公认的四大全球大学排行榜:ARWU、QS、THE、US News,下同)高校或科研机构获得博士研究生学历学位或从事博士后研究工作;境内申请者一般应具有博士后工作和主持省部级科研项目或层次相当的纵横向科研项目经历。能开展全英或双语教学。

First-category Young Talent: Candidates, preferably under 38, are expected to have gained his/her doctorate degree from or have done postdoctoral research in such universities or institutions as Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, domestic universities ranked no lower than SCNU in comprehensive competitiveness or in relevant fields or the top 300 universities in the world (internationally recognized four global university rankings: ARWU, QS, THE, US News, the same hereinafter). Domestic candidates are expected to have done postdoctoral work and have presided over provincial and ministerial research projects or research projects of equivalent value. The applicants should be able to teach in English or bilingually.


Second-category Young Talent: Candidates, preferably under 35, are expected to have gained his/her doctorate degree in recent three years from such universities or institutions as Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, domestic universities ranked no lower than SCNU in comprehensive competitiveness or in relevant fields or the top 500 universities in the world. The applicants should be able to teach in English or bilingually.


2. Rewards


First-category talent will be recruited as Special Senior Research Fellow and second-category talent as Special Associate Research Fellow. For first-category talent, the starting salary is 250,000RMB and for second-category talent 200,000 RMB. During the term of employment, the annual salary will be raised and the difference in salary will be compensated from the date of employment if relying on resources of SCNU, the candidate, as the project leader, can successfully apply for the following scientific research projects: for a project supported by National Foundation for Young Scholars, the salary will be raised to 300,000 RMB, and for a project supported by National Foundation for General Programs, the salary will be raised to 350,000 RMB. In addition, International United College will provide a subsidy of 40,000-50,000 RMB per year; Extra annual rewards will be given based on work performance; Research start-up fund of up to 200,000 RMB will be provided to the candidates recruited for the first time in the fields of science and engineering and research start-up fund of up to 100,000 RMB for candidates from other disciplines. Monthly rental allowance of 3000 RMB will be provided during the term of employment. His or her children can apply to study in the affiliated kindergarten and primary school of SCNU according to relevant regulations. Both the kindergarten and the primary school are among the best in China.


II. The talents we need are supposed to graduate from the following disciplines or majors:




Disciplines or Majors






计算机科学与技术、软件工程及其相关专业   Computer  Science and Technology/Software Engineering or relevant   specialty




English or bilingual   teaching required


数学及其相关专业   Mathematics or relevant specialty




电子科学与技术/信息与通信工程及相关专业   Electronic  Science and Technology/Information and Communication   Engineering or relevant specialty





Successful applicants will work in School of Software.


III. College Address


Nanhai Campus of South China Normal University (Nanhai University Town, Shishan Town, Nanhai, Foshan)


IV. Documents for Application


Applicants should fill application form and provide related proof materials.


If you intend to apply for Outstanding Young Talent positions, please fill “SCNU Application Form for Talent Candidates (Top-level talent)” (see appendix 1); if you intend to apply for Young Talent positions, please fill " SCNU Application Form for Talent Candidates (Young Talent)" (see appendix 2).


Proof materials refer to the application form and scanned relevant verification materials mentioned in CV.


The applicants should send the application materials in electronic format with files compressed to designated email address in time as stated, with a title of the email and appendix as "position types + disciplines or majors you are applying for + applicant name (for instance: First-category Young Talent + French Language and Literature+ Zhang San)".


V. Schedule Arrangement


Application Time: long-term recruitment


Selection and Interview time will be released later.


Announcement of Recruitment Information



SCNU HR Office website: http://rsc.scnu.edu.cn




Mr. Chen,Tel: 0757-86687822,13590686486;

Mr. Zeng,Tel: 0757-86687266,13760895528;





  SCNU Application Form for Talent Candidates (Top-level Talent)



SCNU Application Form for Talent Candidates (Young Talent)
